Currently HPIA does not support creating a driver pack in the *.wim file on a network share.
Fixes issue where proxy settings were not working in some environments.
Adds support for a non-interactive mode which displays HPIA actions in a progress bar when run from the command line on a client.
Adds support for Offline Mode repositories created using Client Management Script Library version 1.4.
Fixes installation issues for SoftPaqs that have white spaces in the title.
Adds support for Windows 10 v2004 (20H1).
If the /Debug command line option is specified, the debug log will be stored in the specified path.
Adds “/LogFolder: ” command line option to specify where to save the reference files as a zip file.
Adds SoftPaq View in Analyze Image recommendations.
Provides support for relative paths when Analyze is run from the command prompt for filepath locations.
Provides support for NTLM and Kerberos proxy login.
Removes the Ctl+Shift+S hot key command from the Download SoftPaqs and Create Driver Pack functions.
Fixes an issue where the /Offlinemode command attempts to access the Internet.
Fixes an issue where certain BIOS SoftPaqs do not install when the command line InstallType is set to All.
Changes the link location for the menu item, Visit Forum.
Removes the ISO option from Create Driver Pack.
Changes the default to SoftPaq View after Analyze Image.
Adds Negotiated Authentication proxy support.
Adds support for the dashboard reporting feature of HP MIK - Patch Assistant plugin.
Displays the UWP icon in Recommendations for Analyze Image.
Changes command-line option /Operation:DownloadSoftPaqs to enable the /Action:Extract option to create an install.cmd file for downloaded SoftPaqs.
Identifying problems, and recommending solutions. The HP Image Assistant is an essential tool that provides assistance to IT System Administrators to improve the quality and security of their HP PCs running Microsoft Windows by analyzing,